Yihan Li bio photo



About Me

Here is Yihan Li (YianLee, 李艺涵).

I am a senior student majoring in Automation Engineering at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Qian Xuesen Honor College. I’m also a visiting student in UC Berkeley during 2023 Fall. I’m now working with Berkeley Hybrid Robotics Group , advised by Prof. Koushil Sreenath. Here is my CV.

Research Interests

  • Robotics
  • Motion Planning
  • Optimization
  • Control Theory

I’m enthusiastic about robotics, and especially interested in motion planning, optimization and control theory. My current research lies on model-based trajectory generation and control in automatic drive, including topics like learning based MPC(LMPC), iLQR in iterative manner(i2LQR) and iterative MPPI. I also have experience in real-world development and debugging of intelligent car on real test ground. I’m willing to get exposed to various topics in the field of robotics motion planning, including various methodologies like model-based, RL-based methods or their combination and their application on various types of robots like legged and aerial robots.

[Highlight] I am looking for PhD to start in 2024 Fall. Contact me if you are interested in my work!

Academic Background

  • Sep 2020 - June 2024: Xi’an Jiaotong University,Qian Xuesen Honor College
    • Average Score: 86.6/100
    • Main Courses: Engineering Mathematical Analysis, Linear Algebra and Geometry, Operations Research, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Complex Function and Integral Transform, Numerical Analysis, Circuit, Analog and Electronic Technology Fundamentals, Systems Engineering, etc.
  • Aug 2022 - Dec 2022: UC Berkeley, EECS
    • GPA: 3.78/4.0
    • Main Courses: Data Structures(CS 61B), Introduction to Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(ME 136), Introduction to Embedded and Cyber Physical Systems(EECS 149), Signals and Systems(EE120).

News and Updates

  • Aug 2023: Works about Iterative MPPI in progress.
  • Jul 2023: A paper I enrolled in was accepted by CDC 2023.
  • Jun 2023: Start the final stage revision work of our paper about i2LQR racing, release soon.
  • Sep 2022: Join Berkeley Hybrid Robotics as an intern student.
  • Nov 2022: The third prize in China Robot Competition 2022(Held online for the pandemic), intelligent irrigation car.
  • Aug 2022: Visiting UC Berkeley through Berkeley Global Access program.